TCP - tradução para Inglês
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TCP - tradução para Inglês

Tcp; TCp; TcP; TCP (disambiguation)


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Transmission Control Protocol

протокол управления передачей

широко используемый в Internet сетевой протокол транспортного уровня из набора TCP/IP. Гарантирует доставку передаваемых пакетов данных в нужной последовательности, но трафик при этом очень неравномерен, так как пакеты испытывают всевозможные задержки. Первая версия определена в RFC 793

transmission control protocol         
  • Connection termination
  • TCP sequence numbers and receive windows behave very much like a clock. The receive window shifts each time the receiver receives and acknowledges a new segment of data. Once it runs out of sequence numbers, the sequence number loops back to 0.
  • A Simplified TCP State Diagram. See [ TCP EFSM diagram] for more detailed diagrams, including detail on the ESTABLISHED state.
Transmission control protocol; SYN (TCP); SYN Packets; SYN Packet; Triple-ack; Transport Control Protocol; TCP protocol; TCP/IP port number; TCP/IP port; Transfer Control Protocol; TCP protocols; Selective acknowledgement; ACK (TCP); TCP header; Tcp protocol; Sequence number; Tcp receive window; TCP acceleration; TCP Header; TCP handshake; Tcp handshake; TCP segment; SACK; TCP packet; Forcing Data Delivery; Three-way handshake; Three way handshake; TCP Acceleration; TCP checksum offload; Tcp checksum offload; Cumulative ACK; TCP connection; FIN (TCP); Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers; Protect Against Wrapped Sequence numbers; 3 way handshake; Cumulative ack; SYN/ACK; SYN+ACK; SYN-ACK; ACK packet; SYN packet; TCP SYN; TCP SYNACK; TCP window; TCP receive window; TCP SACK; TCP windowing; CLOSE-WAIT; CLOSE WAIT; SYN-SENT; SYN SENT; SYN RECEIVED; SYN-RECEIVED; FIN-WAIT-1; FIN WAIT; FIN WAIT 2; FIN WAIT 1; LAST-ACK; LAST ACK; TIME WAIT; TIME-WAIT; TCP connection state; ACK flag
протокол управления передачей
congestion window         
TCP congestion avoidance algorithms; Slow-start; Fast retransmit; Congestion window; TCP Tahoe; TCP Reno; TCP slow start; Slow-start phase; Taxonomy of congestion control; TCP New Reno; TCP Hybla; TCP congestion; Jacobson/Karels algorithm; TCP congestion control algorithm; TCP congestion avoidance algorithm; TCP congestion-avoidance algorithm; TCP BBR; Fast recovery

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окно перегрузки

параметр TCP/IP

число пакетов, которое должен послать или принять стек, прежде чем перейти в режим ожидания сигнала подтверждения



TCP may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para TCP
1. the original NCP and TCP.
Children of the Sky _ Vernor Vinge _ Talks at Google
2. this is where you find your TCP.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
3. But TCP was also protocol for cooperatively
The Internet as DIY connectivity _ Bob Frankston _ Talks at Google
4. is actually a lot like TCP/IP.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
5. to the four layers in TCP/IP.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para TCP
1. Of this about 3,50,000 tonnes were lying with the TCP.
2. The Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) has started selling sugar at the subsidized rates.
3. "Until we set this TCP in here, they‘d lay IEDs here every night," said Lt.
4. The most interesting of these is something called tricresyl phosphate or, TCP.
5. TCP/IP is an abbreviation of Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol.